As a ten year veteran in sales at Arbutus RV in Courtenay, I have gathered many ideas from the 1000’s of customers I’ve talked with. One of the most frequent comments is “WISH WE COULD GET MORE USE OUT OF OUR RV”. Or “WE JUST DON’T GET ENOUGH TIME TO USE IT”.
Well, with a little planning and research you can get more time out of RV’ing. Most people think you need to book vacations, reservations and just hope the weather co-operates. NOT US. We seldom plan RV getaways, they are often spontaneous. My wife Darcy and I both work and since summer is our busiest time, taking a couple of weeks off just isn’t an option, but we still manage to get 12-14 weeks out of camping every year.
Here are some of the things we do. At the first sign there may be 3-4 days of mild dry weather we get the RV ready to go. Off comes the RV cover, pantry’s are stocked, fridge turned on and all appliances checked. We don’t have heated tanks so if it’s too early in the spring with risk of freezing, say February, we will hold off on the de-winterizing and just take some jugs of water along however, we can still use most of our facilities except running water. I have found that a gallon of RV anti-freeze in the tanks is enough to keep them from freezing, providing it doesn’t get too cold for too long.
Now the real secret of getting the most out of your RV investment is to find RV Campgrounds that are close enough to home or work so you can commute on work days. After all, the sun rises earlier than most of us do, so what’s the big deal about setting your cell phone alarm 15 minutes early? You’ll be amazed at how refreshing it is to have your morning coffee sitting by a lake, stream or forest setting before going to work.
Most communities, even large urban centers, have RV Campgrounds of one kind or another. Doing a little research ahead of time can turn up some great places to camp without having to travel all day and often they can be relatively inexpensive. To broaden your options don’t overlook parks without services. After all your RV was made to provide you will all the basics even when it’s not hooked up to power, water or sewer.
So check out the places in your own community, back yard or neighbouring parks, and get a lot more value from you RV investment.