SO many of you came out to visit Archie the Adventure Bear at Arbutus RV this summer! He enjoyed every single cuddle and selfie. He’s certainly not camera-shy. He’s heading home to hibernate now but looks forward to seeing all his visitors next year!
Here are the winners of the total $5000 CASH Reward – $1000 at each of our 5 Vancouver Island Locations:

…Plus, a special ‘Archie’s Best Buddy’ Award goes to…

visited Archie at THREE of Arbutus RV’s Locations
(Sidney, Mill Bay and Nanaimo) EVERY week, for 6 weeks!
Archie presented them witha special prize and the
2019 Best Buddy Award, in Sidney.

And here are some of Archie’s favourite Selfies and Archie Action Shots, taken this summer!