Arbutus RV Port Alberni got invited to a birthday party parade!!
Henry, our neighbour at Arbutus RV in Port Alberni, comes by 2-3 times a week to check in and say hello. He keeps an eye on our flowers out front and waters things from time to time.

For the past few years we’ve added a “Happy Birthday Henry” sign out front of our Sales Lot and his daughters have brought him by for pictures with his Birthday sign and a few of our Team.

This year with COVID distancing in mind, Henry’s family decided to do a birthday parade and we’re honoured to say that we got invited!!

Gary, Cheryl, Mike, Karen, Janine and Michele hopped in the Arbutus RV lot truck and joined in the celebration. The birthday parade was down at the Harbour Quay in Port Alberni. Henry sat in his lawn chair while everyone drove by to wish him a Happy Birthday. There were about 25 vehicles in the parade and it was a very sunny and joyful occasion.